Since the year 1997 GOS Maschinen- und Anlagen Service GmbH offers service, maintenance, upgrades, adaptations and spareparts for industry; especially for canning lines and bottling lines, produced by reputable manufacturers. Among our customers you may find breweries like Heineken, Holsten Brewery, Becks Brewery, Guinness Brewery, San Miguel Corporation, Brahma Brewery (AmBev/Inbev) and softdrink bottlers like Coca Cola, 7-Up (PepsiCo), AST Beverage Ltd., Abdul Monen Ltd., Rauch, Roisdorfer Mineralquellen, etc.

We supply all parts for blow moulding machines, casers, uncasers, craters, uncraters, palletizers, depalletizers, crate washers, conveyors, decappers etc. Not only mechanical spare parts like sprockets, chains, table top chains, toothed belts, grippers, gripper heads, collars, etc. which are used in the dry part of bottling lines and canning lines but also automation and pneumatic components are part of our portfolio.

Of course we also can support you with spare parts for machines installed in the wet part of canning and bottling lines, like fillers, rinsers, cappers, crowners, seamers, labellers and mixers. GOS supplies bottle baskets, filling valves, rubber tulips, bottle plates, O-Rings, mechanical seals, pressure springs, cylinders, light barriers, proximity switches, gear boxes, crankshafts, driveshafts, pneumatics etc. In order to identify the products we need the OEM spare part number of the manufacturer, such as Krones, Kettner, KHS (Klockner Holstein Seitz), H+K (Holstein + Kappert), SEN (Seitz Enzinger Noll), O+H (Ortmann + Herbst), Alcoa, Angelus, Rinck, MCC, Rexnord, Bosch, Siemens, Schleicher, Pilz, Leuze, IFM, Festo, Endress & Hauser, Burkert or a detailed description of the required part. Parts we deliver are original spare parts or spare parts made to the specification of the OEM. Most of our parts are made by the original supplier of the OEM. Whenever necessary we can improve the specification of the OEM. In this way we guarantee the best possible quality in the market.